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Bariatric Surgery


Bariatric surgery

Bariatric surgery is a surgical procedure that provide permanent weight loss for who can’t lose weight naturally through diet control, exercising etc. The success rate of today's obesity surgery is very high with the scientific advancements and new approaches. The risks following an operation have declined drastically, and the recovery time has been reduced compared with the old obesity procedures.


Gastric Balloon

One of the therapies used in the treatment of obesity is gastric balloon. The ball restrict the food that can be supplied in the stomach and thereby provides an early sense of completeness and satiety. Less food consumption can contribute to loss of weight. The endoscopic positioning of the balloon without surgical incisions is temporary and reversible.


Sleeve Gastrectomy

The treatment entails a resection of the stomach longitudinally beginning with the antrum at 5–6 cm from the pylorus and terminating in the fundus near to the cardia. A bougie calibrate the remaining gastric sleeve.


Mini Gastric Bypass

Mini stomach bypass procedure reduces gastric volume as well as food absorption. The mini gastric bypass is very efficient for treating high blood pressure and diabetes.


R-Y Gastric Bypass

A bile deflector linkage that avoids bile reflux is the distinction between the R-Y gastric bypass and the minigastric bypass. When the stoma breaks, nutritional intake is decreased by the amount of nutrients taken and bypassed. The patient will then rapidly lose weight after the procedure.


Transition Bipartition

The two-party transit operation is a metabolic operation. Operation type of metabolic operation is applicable to people with conditions such as diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Bariatric surgery in Turkey conducted by the most qualified physicians. Plastic surgery in Turkey has many benefits. Cheap prices, globally famous surgeons, excellent hospitals and visitor attractions are just some of them. If you would like to get bariatric surgery in Turkey, please contact us.



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