IVF- (Tube Baby)

IVF- (Tube Baby)
One of couples' greatest challenges is infertility, described as not being able to reproduce during unprotected intercourse. With today's science, detection of infertility, which may be triggered by issues relating to women or men, is also feasible. Care is implemented using a patient-oriented approach in our IVF Clinics. With its well designed IVF laboratory, the specialist team of gynecologists, embryologists, medical geneticists, urologists, psychiatrists, biologists and nurses strives to improve the conception success of infertile couples.
IVF- (Tube Baby)
One of couples' greatest challenges is infertility, described as not being able to reproduce during unprotected intercourse. With today's science, detection of infertility, which may be triggered by issues relating to women or men, is also feasible. Care is implemented using a patient-oriented approach in our IVF Clinics. With its well designed IVF laboratory, the specialist team of gynecologists, embryologists, medical geneticists, urologists, psychiatrists, biologists and nurses strives to improve the conception success of infertile couples.
Tube Baby Treatment Stages
IVF therapy approaches used according to age, ovarian ability, body mass index, genetic variations and ovary response in prior therapies and embryologic developmental disorders consist of 5 stages;
Interview Stage
The treatment of IVF is a 5-step procedure. These stages are completed in a period of 4 weeks. In the first meeting with couples who want a child, the causes for infertility are clarified to prospective parents and guidance is presented about the tests to be used to diagnose such reasons. Testing of semen examination, if any of the uterine film (if not the uterine film should be taken) if they have had infertility before treatment, tests and reviews of the treatment procedure and all blood tests are required. The patient's previous experience is therefore taken. If the expectant mother has not had an examination in the last year, she will be given the test. The cause of infertility is established in the light of all this detail preceeds the choice of procedure.
Stimulation Of The Eggs
The waiting Mother visits her Specialist on the second or third day of her cycle to test her ovaries in the second level of IVF therapy. The medical practitioner will use ultrasound to measure the ovaries of the expectant mother to verify its hormone values for the state of the patient. The doctor begins medicines for the production of ovaries by stimulating the ovaries and the nurse will advise the patient how to use the medicines, according to the findings.
Eggs Collection
The processing of eggs is one of the most critical phases of the IVF process. When the egg, produced by hormonally injecting medications, is taken from the uterus under general anesthesia by injection and achieves the ideal size and maturity. Classical IVF or microinjection process is used to fertilize eggs from the uterus vaginally. A certain number of sperms are positioned around the egg in the classical IVF system and one of the sperm is supposed to fertilize the egg. In the micro-injection process, the best quality and stable sperm chosen from among the sperms are inserted into the egg using special techniques.
Transfer Of The Mbryo
Embryo production is tracked by testing the eggs and sperm taken to the fertilization and embryo transfer laboratory. Quality embryos are chosen by the embryologist. It is legal to put a single embryo in women under 35 years of age and a double embryo in women over 35 years of age. The chosen quality embryos or embryos are inserted in the uterus by a specialized surgeon with the aid of a special catheter placed in the cervix. After embryo transfer without discomfort and anesthesia, the expectant mother is taken to rest for between 45 minutes and 1 hour. After this time the patient will go back to his normal life.
Supportive Treatments
After the transfer of the embryo, supportive medications are given to the expectant mother so that the embryo can bond more closely to the uterus. For a period of 12 to 15 days, an appointment is made for the HCG beta test.
Tube Baby Treatment Applicatıons
• Fertility Coefficient Test
• Surgical Applications That Increase the Chance of Pregnancy
• Sperm Detox
• Supportive Treatments Increasing the Possibility of Pregnancy
• IVM (Drug-Free IVF)
• IVF and ICSI techniques Micro TESE, PESA and TESA Applications
• Fertilization Sperm Selection (IMSI, Double Refraction CHIP) Techniques
• Laser Applications to Eggs and Embryos (Shingles, Drilling and Assisted Hatching / Nesting)
• Embryo Detox (Cumulus Cells 'Co-Culture')
• Fertility Vaccine (Balancing the Immune System of the Uterine Lining)
• Balancing Technique (Balancing Embryo and Intrauterine Membrane for Pregnancy)
• Increasg Intrauterine Impermeability Procedures (Injury / Fallow Technique)
• Blastocyst Transfer
• Egg Development Monitoring and Embryo Transfer with 3D and 4D Ultrasound
• Embryo and Blastocyst Biopsies and Pre-Pregnancy Genetic Separation (PGD, PGS, CGH)
• Sperm, Egg and Embryo Freezing