Since 1992, Medicana Health Group sustains its progression on the way to determine the standards of future healthcare services. Today, Medicana Health Group, which carries on its activities especially in Istanbul and Ankara, constantly provides the most advanced healthcare services in all aspects of health in Konya, Samsun, Sivas and Bursa through its 13 hospitals and 6500 employees on average. Medicana Health Group not only pioneered the development of health tourism in our country, it also became one of the important centers in treatment of international patients in multidisciplinary healthcare. In order to provide sustainable healthcare services, many offices have been established at important locations of the world.
At hospitals of Medicana Health Group; healthcare services, which are fully compatible with the Service Quality Standards of the Ministry of Health and accreditation standards of the Joint Commission International (JCI), are provided in the equal quality with the world’s leading institutions, through its principle based on patient safety and efficient and quality patient care and treatment.


Getting into the act in the Turkish hospital business since1995, Medical Park Hospitals Group serves patients in 29hospitals located in 17 cities. It is, now, the pioneering actor of the sector with closed area of 718 thousand and 965 square meters, 211 operating rooms,5 thousand 240 beds and more than 16.000 employees.

Aiming to provide medical services at international standards, Ankara Güven Hospital, established in 1973, presents a harmony of requirements of modern medicine and years of experience. High quality services that we provide in all aspects increase number of our patients and demands, while the responsibility that we carry for our patient rises. Our story, which began as a small hospital in 1973,has reached a general hospital concept with a capacity of 251 beds, 12 operating theaters and personnel of specialists, practitioners, nurses and allied healthcare personnel in 40.000 meter square area. The pride of achievements motivates us to go further on and raise what we aim for the future. We carry on our path as we always keep in mind that our privilege is the TRUST that our patients feel... Güven hospital has been accredited three times by JCI (Joint Commission International), first on 2008, next on 2011 and then on 2014, which aims to increase patient safety and service quality, to create a safe environment for the patients and minimize the risks for patient and healthcare personnel by determining, implementing and maintaining terms. Accreditation of JCI is accepted as an international quality evaluation and management organization. Accreditation of JCI aims to provide safety and quality culture in healthcare facilities and to continuously improve healthcare services and results.

Ba y ı n d ı r H e a l t h C a r e Group is a business organization of Turkey’s leading bank organiza t i o n o f Tü r k i y e İ ş B a n k a s ı dedicated to providing the highest quality patient care with only evidence-based,full and accurate health informat ion, bound by medical ethics, respecting patient’srights, and re l iant on the art of-state technology, since it was founded on 1992, in tcapital city of Turkey, Ankara.
Our commitment as a health care group is best quality, best practice and best outcome in everything that we do for
our patients. This needs professionalism,strong teamwork, constant vigilance,education and attention to detail.
Right now, Bayındır HealthCare Grouphas 3 hospitals, 1 medical surgerycenter and 4 dental clinics nationwide,each serving the health careneeds of not only national but alsothe global patients. Bayındır Health-Care Group hospitals have an enviablereputation for providing excellentmedical and surgical facilities supportedby state-of-the-art equipment and a high standard of fully qualified nursing care, within pleasant andcomfortable surroundings. The number of the cases during 2012, Bayındır
HealthCare Group has operated 8,769 surgeries, welcomed 15,095 inpatientsand 444,704 outpatients in total.
Affiliated with the University of Hacettepe,we have always focused onlearning – no more so than todaywhen technology has accelerated the rate of discovery and dramatically increased our knowledge base. Our systems,procedures and protocols routinesfor checking and re-checking andcontinuous training are all integral,and create and sustain that belief that we care about every detail and every individual without discrimination. International accreditation – Joint Commission International – gives independent
proof that we adhere to the commitments that we make. Continuous learning from accreditation feedback,internal appraisals, audits and reporting, patient satisfaction surveys, commentary or complaints enables us to continuously drive forward
our standards of performance.As a result of our reputation in the region, Bayındır HealthCare Group became the
partner hospital in Eurasian hospitalsand imparts its knowledge in the region